Created by the campaign team
- Which Fish? Campaign brochure - English version (4213 downloads )
- Which Fish? Campaign brochure - Hungarian version (373 downloads )
- Campaign logo .PNG (1513 downloads ) or Campaign logo .JPG (833 downloads )
- Branding Guidelines for the Which Fish? Campaign (867 downloads )
Created by participants of the campaign
- General Which Fish? poster © Attica Zoo (1164 downloads )
- General Which Fish? presentation © Attica Zoo (789 downloads )
Please contact Georgina Spyres at for the high version of these files.
- Exhibit panels in French on sustainable consumption by Lille Zoo (512 downloads ) : the compressed folder contains 8 fish-shaped panels about sustainable fishing and fish consumption and 1 square panel presenting the Which Fish campaign.
Please contact Aurore Lo at for the high version of these files.